Landscape Impact
A visual impact analysis is an integral part of EIA. The wind turbines should blend into the natural landscape without creating an unaesthetic sight. In order to prevent this it is necessary to develop a number of 2D and 3D models.
Shadow Flicker
Shadow Flicker is caused by the WTG. It is defined as alternating changes in light intensity provoked by the moving blade. So the central aim is to avoid the shadow’s flicker effect on the neighboring houses.
Acoustic Impact
The Wind Farm perception project shows that the sound of wind turbines causes relatively much annoyance. Acoustic impact is obligatory to be studied respecting the internal sanitary norms of each country.
Electromagnetic Emanation
This part of Environment Impact Analysis deals with the compliance of WPP and electric lines' electromagnetic emanation to National Norms "GOST control standard of electromagnetic emanation".
Land and Use Impact
The WTG must blend into the natural landscape and not disturb the normal activity of region.
Flore and Fauna Impact
Local associations studies and international standard expertise must be done determining the flora and fauna impact.